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Enter your username and password below to log in

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NOTE: If you are a Faithlife customer wanting to access your trial site, refer to the email that was sent to you with a link to your site. Click that link and then login to your site directly.

Start Your 14 Day Free Trial!

Please provide the following information to start a trial site:

Please create a username and password to manage your site:


Start Your Live Streaming Trial!

Please provide the following information to start a Live Streaming trial:

Please create a username and password to manage your account:

Your live stream site will be accessable at, so be sure to pick something that you like.


Please select your site package to view the online documentation:

Church/Ministry Package
Family Package
School Package
Rapid-1 Package
Configuring/Using Email
Tracking Web Statistics

For further information, view the Finalweb Knowledge Base:

Finalweb Knowledge Base

For a list of recent updates to Finalweb's site packages and software:

Finalweb Update Log